Monday, March 8, 2010

Teenage Hair loss? Is this normal? please help, kind of scared...?

Okay. I am 15 years old and a Vegetarian. I recently have realized that every time I take a shower, brush my hair or even just run my fingers through my hair lots of hair has been coming out- as in like 10 pieces at a time. this happens EVERY time i run my hands through my hair, and it is always comes out in clumps. my scalp is somewhat sore, and i am to the point of tears because i am so worried about this. i heard things about it happening to vegetarians, but also i couldn't find any reasons or information.

please help me, im very scared and basically in tears right now...

thank you so much...Teenage Hair loss? Is this normal? please help, kind of scared...?
take some type of vitamins for protein, maybe?

have you been processing your hair a lot? (straightening, blow drying, dying, bleaching, perming..etc)

my hair is extremely over processed and falls out like CRAZY. it's not normal, i'm sure lol but my hair falls out in clumps aswell. its been like this for a little over a year and although it falls out people cant tell by looking at me haha kinda weird.

anyways, my advice to you is to take some vitamins for protein, and if you don't already do it try buying deep conditioning packets for your hair and use one once a week to make your hair stronger.

if you do process your hair, maybe cut it down a bit aswell or use products made to protect your hair from heat damage if straightening or something else is part of your daily routine.Teenage Hair loss? Is this normal? please help, kind of scared...?
Well, on an average a person loses 40-100 hairs per day. If you lose 10 hairs every time you run your fingers through or brush your hair than I would say that it is a problem. Not trying to worry you but you should see a doctor. You could have a vitamin deficiency which is causing the hair loss, or maybe a hormonal imbalance.

Definitely see a doctor in order to determine the cause because I don't think you should lose so much hair and your scalp should not feel sore unless you've been pulling your hair constantly.
im a vegetarian also and i know that my hair isn't as healthy as it could be because i dont get as much protein as people that eat meat since protein is in meat. Your hair might just be breaking off part way up the strand, not falling out. Mine used to do that too untill i started using shampoo and conditioner that has stengthening vitamins in it to help make hair stronger.

protein is what makes your hair stronger so maybe add more of that into your diet (tofu, soybean products, nuts, eggs).
I compltley understand your pain, however I dont think you have too much to worry about, it sounds like you might be anemic (lack of iron), hence the hairloss. You need to go to a doctor and a dematologist. If you catch your hair loss ealier and fix the problem, it will hopefully stop. good luck :D
You may need to eat meat. Knowing you're a vegetarian, is fine, you may need to eat meat. You're not getting protein in your body. Also, go to your doctor and see what he/her says.
proteins strengthen your hair(because your hair basically is protein). make sure to get your needed amino acids, take biotin

i ';almost'; lost all my hair. i started using a product called provillus, its fore both men and wommen(seperate items)

here is a link to the product i used:

it realy works
see a your physician. it could be a disorder and may need their attention.
I agree with Evan. It could be your diet. You should go talk to your parents and see a doctor.
normally i have an answer to questions like this and to people whos hair is thinning or something but I just think you need to go see a doctor. Especially since you're a vegetarian, it's ok but the fact that you're still really young, I mean you're only 15 so make sure you're getting all the nutrients and vitamins that you should be getting. Learn about other alternatives to meat.

On average, a person should normally lose anywhere from 35-50 strands of hair a day. It used to be 100/ day but studies have shown that it should be less.

At the rate you're going i would say you're losing about double (200/day) of what you should be losing.
there are many reasons...............all possible............

proteins strengthen your hair(because your hair basically is protein). make sure to get your needed amino acids, take biotin

You may need to eat meat. Knowing you're a vegetarian, is fine, you may need to eat meat. You're not getting protein in your body. Also, go to your doctor and see what he/her says.

I completely understand your pain, however I don't think you have too much to worry about, it sounds like you might be anemic (lack of iron), hence the hair loss. You need to go to a doctor and a dermatologist. If you catch your hair loss earlier and fix the problem, it will hopefully stop. good luck :D

Well, on an average a person loses 40-100 hairs per day. If you lose 10 hairs every time you run your fingers through or brush your hair than I would say that it is a problem. Not trying to worry you but you should see a doctor. You could have a vitamin deficiency which is causing the hair loss, or maybe a hormonal imbalance.

Definitely see a doctor in order to determine the cause because I don't think you should lose so much hair and your scalp should not feel sore unless you've been pulling your hair constantly.

you could have alopecia areata. It is when you just start to lose hair for no reason. If you don't see your doctor, it will get friend has alopecia areata. she is 13. well, she actually has aopecia univercialis. that is when you have no hair whatsoever AYWHERE on your body. It sucks. She used to wear a wig, but then she just told everyone one day during gym

*********Try reading the book called BECAUSE OF ANYA by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It will tell you more about alopecia areata.
First, don't stress too much, when you're relaxed, you lose less hair. It could be you're using too much conditioner(I had that happen to me) or your need a hair scalp treatment for nourishment. Try a hair skin and nails vitamin and take it as instructed. Check your hair habits, what do you usually do, when and how? Talk to your parents and see a dr. if you think there could be something seriously wrong, with your scalp sore and all. As for things happening to vegetarians, that's not really true. You need more facts to back that up and to actually meet some of those people in person, lol. Okay? I'm Vegan, and have been so for the past 20 years of my life and guess what? I have lovely, thick hair and no more trouble since I've switched conditioners and quit straightening it every day. Hang in there. You'll be fine.

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