Monday, March 8, 2010

Teenage hair loss?

i started discovering these bald patches at the crown area when i was just 15. now im 19 and the problem is still there.. i've used expensive hair tonics but it doesnt seem to work.. recently i found out that my hair loss might be due to oily scalp.. what can i do?

p.s i have dry and curly hairTeenage hair loss?
My youngest brother started going bald on the top of his head at 14 years of age. He hadn't even started growing a beard yet! The doctors told him that he had inherited his male pattern baldness, and there was nothing he could do about it. (This was the 60's.)

Now he has a full head of hair like he never had in the past, but he went through five years of hair transplant treatments that cost him the equivalent of a German sports car to achieve.Teenage hair loss?
Go to a hormonal doctor, an endrocronologist and have them do some hormonal tests to make sure everything is okay. My bf started getting bald spots around 24 but 15 seems very young. This is important 'cause you want to nip it in the bud before you're completely bald at 21! It has nothing to do with an oily scalp, dry hair, or curly hair! I have all those and have a beautiful thick, head full of hair! See that doctor!

I would suggest that you work on this from a twin approach.. from outside in and inside out.

Our hair growth is not just dependent on the state of the health of our hair or scalp. Sometimes it is also linked to whether or kidneys are functioning ok and whether our body is too acidic.

if your body is too acidic. i would suggest a detox to cleanse it.

At the same time, you can consider other stuff to encourage hair growth.. like my hubby started using this showerhead tat filters away chlorine and that helps in promoting hair growth and lots of baby hair started to grow on his scalp.

Actually, I would suggest that you actually do an iris scan. For a mere $10, you can find out the condition of your health and may also find out the reason to your hair loss problem. Most importantly, the iris analyst will be able to give you solutions to how to solve this problem.

if you are keen, you can email me at
From what you are describing, when you say you have an oily scalp but dry hair it sounds like seborrhea dermatitis, a condition in which your oil is so thick, it can not escape the pores of your scalp. There are prescription shampoos that can help with that, or get a good dandruff shampoo as they contain a coal tar that is useful in treating the scalp.

Hope this helps you.

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