Monday, March 8, 2010

Help coping with teenage hair loss and depression?

Im a male teenager and my hair loss has gotten considerably bad because of dupa i think and i buzzed it now its obvious thinned and patchy loss all over and im trying to grow it back because i dont want to except being bald. I dont see myself when i look in the mirror anymore and its effecting my out going personality and school work. I even act differently with people. Being soo young with hairloss I dont like standing out for the wrong reasons. Because of the importance i put on my hair its one of the hardest things ill ever have to deal with id give 3 fingers just for 1 more year of hair. Does anyone have advice on how to cope..depression and same thoughts in my mind.Help coping with teenage hair loss and depression?
Losing your hair at a young age can be devastating. But keep in mind----there are guys out there including myself which have devastating conditions besides hairloss. Such as having asthma. I would give three fingers for 1 year of healthy lungs so I could breathe. EVERYONE has handicaps. YOu may have less hair, but the other guy who is 5ft 2 would give his right arm to be of normal height so he can get more girls. Or a guy would give his left leg so he could breathe. Or a guy who would give his right hand to lose weight. Again, everyone has handicaps. Accept it.

Now onto your problem. Here are 4 things that will work very well at growing your hair back.

1.)Finasteride.(proscar or generic form)


3.)Nizoral shampoo

4.) Head and Shoulders

These products have been proven to grow back a moderate amount of hair. They work. They are scientifically proven to work.

Go to

This website and forum will help you cope with your hairloss much better with other guys your age who are experiencing hairloss and will give advice on what products are good and which ones arent.

Hope this helps....Help coping with teenage hair loss and depression?
i loose alot of hair a day, its all over the floors and people in my household are sick of it. i dont know where it comes from, but if i sit here picking at it all day i can almost pull out about 50 pieces in about 2or3 goies. but the thing is with me my hair is very thick, and it dosent look like im going to be bald any time sooner.

how lucky is that?
I think that you should go to your docs. There are many treatments available that can delay hair loss as well as products that can stimulate regrowth. There are different causes of baldness and your doctor will be able to find out which pattern baldness you have.
You can try the following essential oils for massage to reduce hair loss. Grapefruit, Jojoba oil, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary. Check out for more info.
Bald heads are very sexy. Shave it all off.

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