Monday, March 8, 2010

TEENAGE HAIR LOSS.....need help!!!?

I'm only thirteen and I used to have really thick, curly hair. I used to straighten my hair once a month but I stopped ever since my hair started falling out (about an year ago). I know its normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day but I'm losing MUCH more than that and I don't know why. I eat a balanced diet and i don't have any medical conditions that would cause hair loss....everytime I see my hair fall out it makes me really sad...PLEASE HELP!!!!TEENAGE HAIR LOSS.....need help!!!?
get protein and biotin vitamins NEVER condition ur roots in ur life - it make hair fall out. wear ur hair only in LOOSE ponys never tighten it up. never apply gel or mousse keep the roots clean of every beauty product. consult a doctor for some good vitamins and eat a balanced veggie meat diet with lots of protein and no fried stuff.

shampoo with slightly hot water, then rinse the last time with cool to cold eventually water- this will prevent the hair loss alot.

Stop Hair falls*:

Juice of 陆 a lime along with coconut milk if massaged on the scalp and hair and kept for 2-3 hrs you will get wonderful result. After 2-3 hrs wash off with a herbal shampoo.

Soft hair*:

In one cup of coconut milk add two spoon of refined flour, three spoon of castor oil, one spoon of shikakai and amla powder and 1 spoon of honey. Mix well and rub on your scalp for 20 minutes. Wash with reetha water.


Prevent hair Loss*:

The application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots is also beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. It nourishes the hair and promotes hair growth.TEENAGE HAIR LOSS.....need help!!!?
It could be your shampoo. Switch up your shampoo and if you can, rotate shampoo brands. A friend of mine swore up and down that Pantene was making her hair fall out and I used to laugh and think she was nuts but she went to the Dr and he ran a bunch of tests and said that she didn't have a deficiency or any other reason to be loosing chunks of hair, but when she switched shampoos, it stopped. I thought she was nuts, but when I stopped using Pantene, I noticed that I lost way less hair in the shower too. It must be the chemicals.
Im not a doctor or hairloss specialist lol, but im 13 too and i have alot of my hair fall out too its was worrying me at first but now i have to forgett about it, i dont no if theres any products or conditioner that can strengthen hair and stuff like that but when im in the shower ALOT of my hair falls out in clumps. But maybe your noticing your hair falling out more because your thinking about it alot. If you havent dyed your hair alot of times its probably just natural but like i say im not an expert x.

just trying to help ! x :]
Well ur problem may have started cause of the straightener or some chemical products that u may have used before...and for the fact that ur hair is thick and u have much may also be that cause...and also as a teen i know for experience that some may go through a lot of stress because of school problems...well i don't know if this will help but i just wanted to put that out and see if it'll help u and hope it does...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
ok first of all don't worry! I HAD THIS PROBLEM BEFORE i was about 11 at that time and when ever i brushed my hair thousands would fall out i would think i was weak or something and i gotreally worried but seriously don't worry im all better now and i didn't even do anything but calm down you WILL get better!
Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair. Check out for more info.
The best and simplest thing to do is to go to your doctor.

Most of the users here are not doctors, so try getting a proffesional's opinion.

It's more precise.
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